man pages

Vincent Danen vdanen at
Fri May 26 16:12:39 PDT 2006

The manpages are currently extremely debian-centric and a lot of the
options that would be pertinent to apt-rpm are missing, the like the "-o
rpm::rootdir=" option.

Are there any plans to clean these manpages up?  It seems to me, based
on some conversation that I've watched, that apt-rpm is sufficiently
diverged from debian's apt to warrant a manpage overhaul.

Thoughts?  Note, I'm not asking the developers to do it... =)  I'd be
more than willing to put some time into the effort as well (it's
important to me to have accurate manpages, especially if I look at
replacing urpmi with apt).

Annvix - Secure Linux Server:
"lynx -source | gpg --import"
{FEE30AD4 : 7F6C A60C 06C2 4811 FA1C  A2BC 2EBC 5E32 FEE3 0AD4}
Wasting time like it was free...
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