Apt and RPMdb locking

Dag Wieers dag at wieers.com
Fri Jun 2 08:56:48 PDT 2006


Because of the mess with the proxy configuration I noticed something else 
that bit me before and possibly could be improved.

Sometimes I see apt 'hang' after downloading/verifying the sources and 
before Reading the package lists. In fact, most of the times this was 
because there was a stale apt process running (or suspended) because of 
some other problem, but apt does not say so. So it sits there and you 
wonder whether something is wrong or it is having a slow day :)

It would be nice that when it is sitting there because something else has 
a lock on the RPMdb (or because there is some sort of Apt locking going 
on) it could as well say that.

Kind regards,
--   dag wieers,  dag at wieers.com,  http://dag.wieers.com/   --
[all I want is a warm bed and a kind word and unlimited power]

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