Building synaptic 0.57.2 against lorg3 fails

Panu Matilainen pmatilai at
Mon Apr 24 13:47:50 PDT 2006

On Mon, 2006-04-24 at 19:03 +0200, Dag Wieers wrote:
> Hi Panu,
> I'm not sure where the latest version of the synaptic patch is for repomd 
> support. (It seems to be gone) 
> But I remember having to adapt the patch to make it work for synaptic 
> 0.57.2, so I bet it needs changes to work with lorg3.

There are a couple of issues with it:
1) lorg3 (somewhere in the pre/rc versions) broke synaptic due to
accidentally making a destructor private, you'll need this patch against
lorg3 to have it buildable at all:
svn diff -r131:132

2) The previous patch wasn't exactly complete, or at least things have
changed enough since then to make it pretty broken currently. Here are
updated patches, the other to fix some issues with gcc 4.1 (it's nowhere
near a complete cleanup though) and another to add partial repomd

The repomd patch doesn't quite still work, repository editing in
synaptic is broken and progress meters for downloading the actual
repository metadata (primary.xml and filelists.xml) is broken :-/
I'll try to get those fixed soonish but synaptic knows way too much
about apt's internals for it's own good, it might not be entirely
trivial to get it fully working.

	- Panu -

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